Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My Big To Do List (in no actual order)

Save 455 Dollars for fiance visa.

Open a bank account.

Get engagement ring re sized.

Finish Fiance visa paperwork.

Send off Fiance visa.

Learn Spanish!! (This one's really important.)

Save up for trip to the DR between now and April of next year.

Save money for the big move.

Plan a wedding.

Can you think of any more...?

Cuz there was never any place for someone like me to be totally happy...

I can't complain. Really, I can't.

Ash and I drove up to Charleston to see Will last week and we also went to see Jack's FREAKING Mannequin in concert. It was a totally amazing concert. He played all my favorites from his new album, he played a b-side and he played Cavanaugh Park! Back from the Something Corporate days! Oh it was AMAZING! Gosh. I mean...He stomped on his baby grand and it still sounded good! He's such an amazing artist and vocalist...it blew my mind. Wow. Pretty fantastic.
The next day Ash and I took the dogs to the beach, after getting lost a couple of times...that was kind of the theme of the trip...being lost. Even though we had 2 gps' with us...it was ridic. Anyway...the beach was overcast so we neglected the sunscreen and boy did we pay. I think my back tattoo has significantly faded now and I'm going to have to go get it touched up. Ouch. Then we had to leave Will, sad day. I really miss him. I was kinda said because I felt like we didn't spend THAT much time together, because he had school and was so worn out at the end of the day. So, driving home, we decide to watch a movie on my laptop while the battery lasts. So, I turned on The Descent. I thought it'd be a claustrophobic thriller...which it was, but then they added in vampire, cave, flesh eating people things and it got ridiculous and SCARY. So basically the rest of the ride home me and Ash are looking out into the night thinking a cave person is gonna run in front of the car or something. Ridic.
We eventually got home at like 6:30 AM and I had work at 2. Not fun. But, I have a job now. Which is super super nice. And this week I got bumped up to 40 hours a week, so needless to say, I'm pretty thrilled. My feet aren't. Standing up for 8 hours on concrete is really doing a number on me. I bought the Dr. Scholls heel inserts cuz thats where they hurt the worst, but they haven't made it magically better. A bit better. But thats all. I also bought clarks, that's what I wear every day. Any suggestions though? Maybe tennis shoes would be better...but I really hate wearing tennis shoes...not my style. I even wear converse to the gym...not real tennis shoes.
I should probably hit the hay. Ha. I have to be at work at 6:30 AM! AH! I have never had such an early work day and I'm going to be working alone for the first time too. Please everyone sleep in tomorrow and don't come into the store!